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Non Nobis Solum Nati Sumus

Idcirco aeriis molimur compita lucis
Spicatasque faces sacrum ad nemorale Dianae
Sistimus. . .
Ergo impetrato respondet multa favore
Ad partes, qua poscis opem; seu vincere silvas
Seu tibi fatorum labes exire minasque
Cura prior, tua magna fides tutelaque Virgo.

"For that reason we construct crossroad shrines in groves reaching high into the
air, and set our sharp-pointed torches near the woodland precinct of Diana . . .
Therefore the Goddess answers generously when her favor has been won, in
those matters where you ask for help: whether mastering the forest or eluding
the disasters and threats of destiny is your greater concern, the Maiden is your
great ally and protection."


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This is the official site keeping current with the works of Actor, Artist, Writer, Producer, Activist, Investor & Technocrat, Jai Krishna Ponnappan.

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